Friday, 1 May 2015

Loving Springtime

Spring has sprung here in Suffolk and everywhere I go the streets are full of trees bearing heavy blossomy blooms. I love these big fluffy puffs of candy floss pink blossom. Soon the ground will be filled with their confetti and we will have lush green leaves to enjoy ready for summer but for a short while we can admire them as they are now...

I took these photos on the way home today. This is my journey to nursery and back... 

This is typical Suffolk landscape right now. Field after field of bright yellow oilseed rape. It is quite spectacular. I will have to try and get another photo when the sky is blue and sunny as the yellow much brighter then, not like today's moody clouds.

This lovely bunch of cowslips are another treat for us here in Suffolk at the moment. Along the country lanes by the sides of the roads you will see wonderful displays of wild flowers. Cowslips and wild primroses are very common and always make me smile.

Have to say there hasn't been much hooky time lately. The last couple of weeks have been busy to say the least. Busy but generally fun and even exciting at times. It has been all about the boy! My little baby boy turned four this week. Where has the time gone... that familiar feeling of things getting away from you and time going to fast again. My little baby has outgrown being a toddler and now, before I feel really ready for it, he is a big boy preparing to start school in September.

Last week was spent getting ready for his birthday party extravaganza that happened on Sunday. We had a Pirate party at home with lovely friends joining us. It was a traditional party just like the ones we had when we were little and all the usual party games and food to match. We had a treasure hunt, pass the parcel, pin the eye patch on the pirate, the balloon bop and more besides and finished off eating sandwiches, crisps, cheese and pineapple on sticks and jelly. Who could want for more!

So while all that was happening everything else was on hold. Here are a few things I am trying to work on right now...

A few weeks back I had a go at designing my own mandala wheel. This is the first time I have done this and, although it is only small, I am quite please with it for my first attempt. It looks rather cosy mixed in with my other mandala wheels don't you think? The next challenge is trying to write the pattern for it :0P

I used the bargainous Drops Love You 5, 100% cotton yarn selling on Wool Warehouse for 80p a ball at the mo.

I have also started a new blanket. I am using Stylecraft Chunky yarn for this with v stitch pattern. I quite like working in chunky yarn and it is no surprise I am zooming through this blanket as well. It took me quite a lot of time to work out how to start off with a v stitch pattern. I had to do lots of web surfing to find a good pattern and instructions without having to buy one from Ravelry or similar. I finally worked it out from a pattern diagram here at When I have finished the blanket I will add in my own written pattern here for anyone who would like it.

A whole evening of hooky quietness is waiting for me now... I hope you have enjoyed your visit here and I wish you a happy Bank Holiday weekend... bye bye for now :0) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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