Sunday, 1 November 2015

A Walk in the Woods

The other day we had a walk in the woods at Alton Reservoir near Ipswich in Suffolk. Long walks with short legs are not normally ideal but our little people kept going and going. Little Man really surprised us by walking nearly 3 miles of the 8 mile track with no complaints. There was so much to see and do on the way. We love to collect things when we walk, feathers, sticks, pebbles, leaves and this time sweet chestnuts. The track provides lots of adventure as it winds around corners, up and down hills, through trees and openings where you can view the water and near by fields and farms. Lots of fun was had collecting the fallen chestnuts, filling our pockets, then Dad had the idea of throwing sticks to knock down a few more from high up in the tree. Little Man joined in of course. I had a go with our Nikon DSLR. Need to refresh my skills quite a bit but had some fun playing with it. We have had such lovely autumn weather this year and the colours are beautiful right now. Lets hope we get lots more sunny afternoons as winter comes. 


x Sarah x