Friday, 27 February 2015


We had fun this afternoon. This is Landguard Peninsular.

Positioned right next to the Port of Felixstowe is a stretch of coastline that is full of history and natural beauty. We are very lucky to live on the door step of this beautiful place. I can't imaging not living near the coast and am very fortunate that within a 15 minute drive from my house I can be here, on the beach, having fun. And there is so much to see and do here.

We started our visit at Landguard Point viewing area which faces Harwich across the River Orwell and overlooks the Port of Felixstowe. It is a very popular spot for viewing the shipping. We could already see a huge container ship at the Port preparing to set sail. Two little tug boats were waiting in the wings to guide this enormous ship out to sea. The giant gantry cranes were lifting the last few containers on to the ship. Little Man was wondering what was in each of the colourful patchwork containers. And as we waited for the ship to depart we wandered around the peninsular, Little Man on his scooter again, collecting stones and making friends with another little girl. We wandered through the nature reserve, enjoying the views and sneaking up on rabbits before they scampered off down their burrows. There was a lovely warm sun shining on us but the windchill reminded us that it isn't Spring yet. And finally the huge ship, led by two tiny tug boats, left the port. This sight always amazes me. As these huge boats sail slowly past they seem almost close enough to touch. They look totally out of proportion with their surroundings. Once the boat was gone, the sun was fading and our tummies rumbling, it was time to go home. 

Hope you enjoyed my photos and reading my post today. Have a wonderful weekend everyone :0)x


Monday, 23 February 2015

Rest and Recovery

The last couple of weeks have been a bit bonkers around here. I seemed to be rushing around all over the place dealing with car troubles, work things, the usual school runs, supermarket trips, all the boring bits of life that seem to take up so much time. And then, when I least expected it, I was hit with the winter sickness bug and totally derailed for several days. We have now had a good rest and a few lovely days out at the beach, the farm and the park. We have spent lots of time together snuggling up watching films, eating comfort foods and reading great piles of books. The little people are both very good at gathering up six or seven books they want to be read and planting themselves on my lap wherever I am and whatever I'm doing, making themselves comfy ready for a good long read. Can't complain really. Any opportunity for a cuddle. Some creative things have been happening as well...

Last week I finish this little lovely...

It's the mandala pattern from the latest Simply Crochet magazine. I changed the design slightly so mine has yellow triangles instead of hearts. I simplified the edging as it was getting late in the evening and I had lost the ability to fathom crochet instructions. I also had a rummage in my big box of yarn to find my cotton Drops Paris to use for the mandala and made a nice discovery. 

This is a mandala seat cover I made for a stool a very long time ago. I had forgotten all about it. And it's nearly finished too :) Thinking that this will look fab in my new studio come spring.... Oh, roll on Spring!!

I have now spent several evenings since my fluffy yarn post arrived thinking, researching and sampling. I want to make a blanket and am having to be quite firm with myself on this as there are so many lovely crocheted things distracting me at the moment. I have been having fun playing with my little peg people and their coloured jumpers as well. Mixing and matching colours, playing with ideas. And of course I'm not the only person who has enjoyed these little pegs. The little people in my house have been taking them off on adventures, making them new homes in all sorts of places and having chats with them. Look at them all stood in a row. I think I might have to paint little faces on them next...

The other night I started, unravelled and started again a rainbow ripple blanket, a chevron blanket and a moss stitch patterned blanket. I decided to go with moss stitch and managed 4 rows before I realising I was never going to finish this blanket if I used this stitch. I did a bit more research and am now making a granny squares blanket. I am really pleased with my squares so far. Granny blankets are quite quick to make and nice and creative. You can play with colours along the way it is easy to pop yarn and a hook in your bag for granny squares on the go!

Coming along quite nicely don't you think? :0)

Thank you for visiting my world of colour and fun xxx

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Soaking Up The Sun

Today we went out to play in the sun.

We had a picnic on the beach, little man rode is scooter at break neck speed up and down the promenade while little lady pushed her little pushchair and squealed with delight and sometimes exasperation, jabbering about all sorts and to anyone who would listen or offer a smile. 

 Granny came too which made our day.

We made sand castles, dug big holes and stood in them.

Collected big stones, little stones, pretty shells and special things. 

 Tried really hard to get our feet wet.

 Admired the beach huts with all their colours, funny names and curiosity.

Ate ice cream.

Played hide and seek.

And soaked up the sun...

It has been a funny few days in our house with sickness and people away so it feels nice to try and return to somewhere that feels normal and enjoy some of the half term holidays. The wonderful February sun giving us hope for spring, letting us forget winter for a moment and play like it's summer time.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :0)

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Lovely Things

Today has been quite busy but full of lovely things and full of colour. We haven't really done anything out of the ordinary, just a very regular day for us but with little surprises and treats to make us smile. I thought I would share them with you. As I write this we are snuggled up on the sofa watching films. Little lady is playing with her toys and some of little man's toys too while he is busy not noticing. 

Today, after the school run, little lady and I visited the local library for Baby Bounce, a group for babies, singing, stories and play. We met friends there and had a lovely time. Then we popped home visiting the charity shop on the way where we found these Beatrix Potter books. I think are just wonderful. Eight little books, beautifully illustrated and full of imagination. Little man will love reading these at bedtime.

The postman also popped by to deliver this months issue of Simply Crochet. Yay! Love getting nice post! I like this magazine. I treat it a bit like a puzzle book. Some people like crosswords. I like crochet patterns, trying new stitches, reading patterns and making little things. I don't think it'll be long until I am trying this lovely Easter mandala pattern. Mandalas are a great way of learning a variety of stitches. One day I would love to learn how to create my own patterns in this way.

The Postie also delivered my Valentines present to myself... more Drops Nepal yarn. These colours are fab. So vibrant. I was planning to make another ripple blanket. Haven't actually finished the last one yet. I have run out of steam with that one so will return to it another time. Looking through my magazine there are several blankets I quite fancy making so perhaps a granny square blanket instead. Hmmmm. Perhaps another look through my Pinterest board for ideas might be in order. 


Little man decorated my yarn circle with even more colour for me. 

This afternoon I took the little people to a play group where they made these marvellous caterpillars. Even though I teach art and get messy everyday at school seeing my 16 month old with a loaded paintbrush still raises the blood pressure slightly. She loved it and, of course, was covered from head to toe by the end. She tried really hard and made lots of little delicate painterly marks and copied little man by sprinkling glitter too. Little man needed no help. He was focused and, with his cute concentration face on, he added colour and glitter with precision. We then read Eric Carl's The Hungry Caterpillar again and little man discussed at length the time we had 5 pet caterpillars that grew into butterflies. These little lovelies have found a new home, in pride of place, on a shelf in little man's bedroom.

The yellow caterpillar is by little lady and the green glitter sparkle caterpillar is by little man. 

Thank you for popping by, now it's time for tea xx